Tennessee State Rep. Explains Why He Voted Against Classic Learning Test Resolution


The chair of the House Higher Education Subcommittee said Monday he had a reason for voting against a resolution that would have urged Tennessee officials to evaluate the popular Classic Learning Test.

State Rep. Jim Coley (R-Bartlett) discussed the matter with The Tennessee Star Monday.

The resolution, if passed, also would have urged Tennessee officials evaluate the CLT for admission to public universities.

As reported last year, people consider this test, also known as the CLT, an alternative to the SAT and the ACT. People also regard the CLT as a good alternative for homeschooled students.

Also, as reported, State Rep. Scott Cepicky (R-Culleoka) asked subcommittee members to pass the resolution, even though State Rep. Kevin Vaughan (R-Collierville), said he does “despise this bill.”

Subcommittee members voted against the resolution unanimously.

“There really weren’t enough places that were implementing it (the test) where they had the data that they could see if it was effective and what universities were using it. I thought it was intriguing. I asked a question whether or not it was used for the great books,” Coley said.

“Several people in the audience nodded and I’m kind of in favor of that, but they didn’t really know how it would be implemented and done this year — well, they wouldn’t implement it this year because they had to get the data installed or are gathering the data. I really didn’t have any problems with them gathering data. I just didn’t know enough about the bill.”

Coley went on to say he approves of the concept of the CLT.

“I hope they discuss it in the future,” Coley said.

“I like the great books, and I am very fond of the colleges where the great books are taught like St. John’s University of Chicago and elsewhere. I think that is important as a curriculum.”

Jim Coley was first elected to the State House in 2006. In May, 2019, he announced he would not seek re-election to an eighth term.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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3 Thoughts to “Tennessee State Rep. Explains Why He Voted Against Classic Learning Test Resolution”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    Foreign corporation Pearson PLC and their shareholders in the Muslim Brotherhood thank the Tennessee Republicans for their unanimous vote, maintaining their Common Core monopoly stronghold on Tennessee students.

  2. Victor F. Andrews

    Wonder if any of these elite RINO GOP legislators have ties to teachers and/or teachers unions.
